Australia in Switzerland
Bern and Geneva
Switzerland, Liechtenstein


Human Rights Council - 30th Regular Session

Item 3 - Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons and the Working Group on the use of mercenaries

Australian Statement

16 September 2015

Australia thanks the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons for her report. We appreciate the wide-ranging analysis and the focus on autonomy and care as principles underpinning the enjoyment of human rights by older persons.

Australia endorses the Independent Expert’s recommendation encouraging States to ratify the core human rights treaties. We agree that these treaties contain protections which are directly relevant to the autonomy and care of older persons including: rights to social security and health; to work and education; to protection against violence and abuse; and to an adequate standard of living.

Australia also welcomes the recommendation that States enact legislation prohibiting discrimination against older persons. Australia’s Age Discrimination Act 2004 aims to ensure that all Australians – young and old – have equal access to employment, education, accommodation and services.

Australia supports the increased promotion and awareness of the rights of older persons within existing human rights frameworks.

We support the ongoing mandate of the Independent Expert, but suggest there is scope for other Special Procedures holders to consider the rights of older persons as these relate to their mandates. We would be interested to hear the Independent Expert’s views on particular issues other Special Procedures holders could investigate to add depth to our understanding of the interrelatedness of the rights of older persons.