Australia in Switzerland
Bern and Geneva
Switzerland, Liechtenstein


Human Rights Council – 26th Session

Annual Discussion on Women’s Rights:
The impact of gender stereotypes on the recognition and enjoyment of women’s human rights

Australian Statement
17 June 2014

Australia takes seriously its obligations under Article 5 of CEDAW to reduce gender stereotypes, through modifying social and cultural patterns of behaviour and promoting a proper understanding of maternity as a social function.

We remain committed to breaking down gender stereotyping at all levels, including in the media and through achieving better work-life balance for parents.

Australia undertakes initiatives focussed on educating men and boys about women’s rights, supporting women’s participation in non-traditional employment, and supporting working women with family responsibilities.

Australia’s forthcoming CEDAW report will outline these initiatives in detail.

We are working nationally to support young people to change their attitudes and behaviours that contribute to violence through social marketing campaigns, and respectful relationships education and programmes.

Supporting and educating young people to build respectful relationships is paramount to preventing domestic and family violence and sexual assault in the future.

Through the Second Action Plan under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022 (the National Plan), state and territory governments will work together to develop and test a suite of good practice tools and resources to strengthen and support the delivery of high quality respectful relationships education in schools, homes and communities.